FSPHP Performance Enhancement and Effectiveness Review (PEER™) Program
PEER™ Program The Performance Enhancement and Effectiveness Review™ (PEER™) Program is a structured review process designed to empower Physician Health Programs (PHPs) and other safety-sensitive professional health programs to use the 2019 FSPHP Physician Health Program Guidelines as a practical tool for identifying opportunities to optimize performance and effectiveness in alignment with best practices among PHPs.
FSPHP has developed a comprehensive set of PEER™ assessment criteria, metrics, and assessment method specifications that align with the 2019 FSPHP Physician Health Program Guidelines through a robust consensus-building process utilizing a diverse group of subject-matter experts.
PEER™ Program Process The Criteria will be assessed with staff assistance; other criteria will be assessed by PEER™ Subject-Matter Expert (SME) Assessors. The PEER™ SME will compile a comprehensive PEER™ Report, which will be shared with the entity.
Some criteria are assessed remotely, by "desk" review. Other criteria are assessed "on-site." Criteria for which the assessment method is defined as "on-site" shall be assessed via remote meeting and screen-sharing technology (such as web conferences) if the entity’s systems and policies support and permit this. If the entity’s systems or policies do not support or permit this, the on-site assessment of those criteria shall be conducted at the physical location(s) of the entity and will require assessor travel (in alignment with FSPHP travel reimbursement guidelines).
SME assessors will review materials against defined criteria, with prescribed methods and metrics to guide the review.
Areas of review for a PEER™ include:
- PHP staff job qualifications
- medical oversight of the PHP
- information systems
- structure
- intake and assessment processes
- PHP compliance with laws and regulations
- accessibility of the PHP to voluntary referrals
- responsiveness of PHP to clinically sensitive matters and necessary reporting or cessation of practice of its participants
- oversight of case management
- quality assurance practices
- toxicology policy and procedures
- utilization of qualified evaluators or treatment providers
- utilization data
Are you interested in being an FSPHP-PEER™ Subject-Matter Expert?
FSPHP PEER™ Program Subject Matter Expert (SME) Assessor Description and Application
Liability Disclaimer The PEER™ program is not an accreditation. The program’s assessment of the defined criteria is intended to facilitate continual improvement in PHP efficiency and effectiveness as detailed in the FSPHP Physician Health Program Guidelines. There is no “pass” or “fail”; the PEER™ Report details the PEER™ staff assessor’s and SME assessors’ findings, related opportunities for improvement, and consultative recommendations for closing gaps. FSPHP does not have the authority to validate any information or documentation a PHP provides to the PEER™ SME assessors. It is the responsibility of individuals to conduct due diligence prior to participating in a PHP. FSPHP makes no representations or warranties regarding the quality or performance of any PHP assessed through the PEER™ program with respect to any specific individuals participating in the PHP, and FSPHP does not guarantee any outcomes for individuals participating in a PHP assessed through the PEER™ program. FSPHP assumes no responsibility for any act or omission of a PHP assessed through the PEER™ program.