FSPHP Performance Enhancement and Effectiveness Review  (PEER™) Frequently Asked Questions

What entities are eligible for a PEER™ program assessment?

  1. Geographic
    The PEER™ program is global in scope. Programs anywhere in the world are eligible to participate.

  2. Occupational Roles Served
    The PEER™ program is exclusively for organizations that provide health program services to healthcare workers in safety-sensitive occupational roles. 

Why Participate in the PEER™  program?

  • To enhance the Physician Health Programs (PHPs) ability to contribute to workforce health and preservation to the benefit of the profession and the public served
  • To utilize FSPHP 2019 Guidelines to share best practices, enhance transparency, accountability, consistency, and excellence, and identify other opportunities for improvement
  • To identify opportunities to enhance collaboration between PHPs, organized medicine, legislators, regulatory authorities, and other stakeholders
  • To identify staffing, operational, financial, and other resource needs and allocation to support current and anticipated levels of service
  • To provide recommendations for improving confidentiality protection and preserving a therapeutic alternative to discipline for PHP participants
  • To improve the ability for long-term viability and availability of the PHP
  • To enhance the effectiveness of PHPs
  • To educate staff about policies and procedures through the review process 

What are the Projected Long-Term Outcomes?

  • To provide “accountability, consistency, and excellence” with a baseline for a PHP’s record of enhancing professional health
  • To identify areas that will benefit from improvements
  • To provide a strong foundation for an ongoing commitment to maintaining the quality of services, as well as strategic enhancement to a PHP
  • To develop deeper insight and awareness into the importance of allowing our professionals the dignity to be patients, as well as providers, thereby enhancing patient health and safety 

What is involved?

  • We recommend purchase of the FSPHP PHP Guidelines for reference, these are available complimentary to all FSPHP PHP Members
  • Entity applies by filling in an application available on FSPHP website
  • Entity submits application, supporting documents, and review fee
  • FSPHP-PEER™ staff randomly assigns FSPHP-PEER™ SME assessor
  • Entity is asked about any Conflict of Interest (COI) w/SME; Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDAs) are signed
  • FSPHP-PEER™ staff send a Doodle poll to schedule the assessment (onsite or via web conference)
  • FSPHP-PEER™ SME assessor performs the assessment 
  • FSPHP provides a report of the findings

What does it cost?

  • FSPHP Performance Enhancement and Effectiveness Review ™ (PEER™) Program Criteria and Metrics Version 2.0
    • $399 (FSPHP Members)
    • $599 (Non-members)
  • PEER™ Assessment Fee*
    • $9,000.00 (FSPHP Members)
    • $14,000 (Non-members)
*The PEER™ Assessment Fee (covers the full assessment and includes SME assessor fee and travel expenses – if travel is necessary) 

How do we prepare our entity?

  • Purchase the PEER™ Criteria and Metrics Version 2.0
  • Review your policy and procedure manuals
  • Perform an internal gap analysis to align entity policies with FSPHP-PEER™ Criteria
  • Perform an internal records review to verify that participant charts reflect adherence to your policies and the PEER™ Criteria and Metrics Version 2.0