2025 - 2027 FSPHP Board of Director Candidates
Secretary Heather Wilson, MSW, CFRE, CAE
Heather A. Wilson, MSW, CFRE, CAE, has over 30 years of leadership experience in the health and services field. Currently, she serves as deputy executive vice president for the Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMED). She concurrently serves as executive director of the Foundation of the Pennsylvania Medical Society which includes the Physician’s Health Program and LifeGuard®, a clinical skills assessment program for physicians. She holds a Master of Social Work Degree from Temple University and is a Certified Fundraising Executive and a Certified Association Executive. Heather is a member of the Coalition for Physician Enhancement and serves on the FSPHP Funding Development Committee.
Read more about this candidate here: STATEMENT OF INTEREST
Kelley Long, MBA
Kelley M. Long, MBA is the Executive Director of the Ohio Professionals Health Program and has almost twenty years of nonprofit leadership. She oversees business, clinical, and fundraising operations for the organization. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Capital University and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration specializing in Finance and Human Resources from Ashland University. She currently serves on the Federation of State Physician Health Programs' (FSPHP) Fund Development Committee, Finance Committee, and the Performance Enhancement Effectiveness Review Committee.
Read more about this candidate here: STATEMENT OF INTEREST
Central Region Director Kay O'Shea, MAC, CADC, CTP
Kay O’Shea is one of the two founders of STL-Professionals Health Program. It is a newly established nonprofit that advocates and monitors healthcare professionals in the St. Louis, Missouri, region. She was the Program Director of the Missouri Physicians Health Program (MPHP) from October 2020 to December 2024. For 11 years prior, she served as the Clinical and Business Coordinator for MPHP. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from Fontbonne University and a Master’s in Addiction Counseling from Aspen University in Colorado. In 2012, she became a Missouri Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor. She has renewed her Certification as a Clinical Trauma Professional every year since 2018. Kay has been an FSPHP Associate Member and has attended the annual conference for over twelve years. For the past three years, she has served on the FSPHP Board of Directors as Central Region Representative. She co-chairs the FSPHP Medical Student Committee and is a member of the FSPHP Nomination Committees and PEER Committee. She focused her business management talents on working with various educational nonprofit organizations for 28 years before joining the PHP force.
Northeast Region Director Molly Rossignol, DO
Molly Rossignol, DO is a graduate of the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine. She completed a family medicine residency at Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston in 1999 and practiced family medicine in New Hampshire for 15 years before completing a fellowship at the University of Wisconsin- Madison in Addiction Medicine in 2015. Dr. Rossignol helped to start inpatient and outpatient addiction focused programs in primary care in two community hospitals prior to accepting the position of NHPHP Medical Director.
Dr. Rossignol trains, supports, and mentors healthcare professionals as they learn more about substance use disorders and care for those with addiction. She is the immediate past president of the Northern New England Society of Addiction Medicine and is a past president of the NH Academy of Family Physicians.
Read more about this candidate here: STATEMENT OF INTEREST
Southeast Region Director Joseph Jordan, PhD
Joseph Jordan, PhD, Chief Executive Officer of the North Carolina Physicians Health Program, has 30+ years of experience working with persons experiencing substance use and mental health disorders, 17 of which has been at NCPHP. He has worked in a multitude of care levels for these disorders before coming to NCPHP. Prior to joining NCPHP, Dr. Jordan served as Ethics Officer and Director of Special Projects for a national credentialing board. Dr Jordan currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Federation of State Physicians Health Programs and several other volunteer boards.
Read more about this candidate here: STATEMENT OF INTEREST
Western Region Director Doris Gundersen, MD
Dr. Gundersen is a graduate of the University of Texas Health Sciences Center in San Antonio, Texas where she received her Medical Degree in 1989. She completed residency training in Adult Psychiatry at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver, Colorado in 1993. She has added qualifications in Forensic Psychiatry. Dr. Gundersen is an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado. She maintains a private practice specializing in general adult and forensic psychiatry. Dr. Gundersen has maintained an interest in physician health since 2000 when she became an Associate Medical Director at the Colorado Physician Health Program. She is currently serving as Medical Director for the organization. She has a Colorado Supreme Court appointment to the Attorney Regulatory Committee. She is a past president of the Colorado Psychiatric Society. She is an active member in the Colorado Medical Society, serving as chair of the Physician Wellness Committee. Dr. Gundersen supports Physicians for Social Responsibility and Amnesty International.
Read more about this candidate here: STATEMENT OF INTEREST
Director-at-Large P. Bradley Hall, MD, DFASAM
Dr. Hall is a third-generation West Virginia physician originally from Clarksburg. He attended college, medical school and family practice residency at WV University. After 15-years of private practice in Bridgeport, WV, he became involved in the establishment of the WV Medical Professionals Health Program serving as the Founding Medical Director. He has served as President/Executive Director of the West Virginia Society of Addiction Medicine (WVSAM). He is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and is a Diplomat of the American Board of Addiction Medicine. He is a certified Medical Review Officer by both the American Association of Medical Review Officers and the Medical Review Officer Certification Council. He is also a Board Registered Interventionist with the Association of Intervention Specialists (AIS).
Nationally, Dr. Hall is a Board of Director and Past President of the Federation of State Physician Health Programs. He has served on numerous committees and is currently Co-Chair of the Accreditation Review Council in the establishment of the FSPHP’s Performance Enhancement and Effectiveness Review Program (PEER) for Physician Health Programs and treatment centers. He served on the Federation of State Medical Boards Impaired Physicians Committee in the updating of the Impaired Physicians Policy in 2012 and the 2021 update on the Federation of State Medical Board’s Workgroup updating the “Policy on Physician Illness and Impairment: Towards a Model that Optimizes Patient Safety and Physician Health”. Dr. Hall has also served as a member of the West Virginia Governor’s Advisory Council on Substance Abuse (GACSA).
Dr. Hall is a co-author of the Chapter on Physician Health Programs “Physician Mental Health and Well-Being – Research and Practice. New York: Springer Publishing” and Absolute Addiction Psychiatry Board Review Chapter on Professionals. Dr. Hall currently serves as Executive Medical Director of the WV Medical Professionals Health Program; the licensure board(s) designated Physicians Health Program and is a Past-President of the WV State Medical Association.
Dr. Hall is a husband, married to Marlene, and father to Rachel, Justin and Crystal and grandfather to Dylan, Olivia, Clara and Grant, and has four dogs and five cats.
Read more about this candidate here: STATEMENT OF INTEREST
Public Member Art Hengerer, MD, FACS
Dr. Art Hengerer is a graduate of Westminster College in New Wilmington, PA and the Albany Medical College. He completed a residency in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery at University Hospital in Syracuse, NY, and a fellowship in Pediatric Otolaryngology at Boston Children’s Hospital and Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, MA.
His career in health care spans 40 years in multiple roles from patient care to leadership positions responsible for regulation and policy creation. Most of his clinical practice was at the University of Rochester serving as Chair of the Department of Otolaryngology from 1981-2007. In 2002 he was appointed to the NYS Medical Conduct Board and chaired that Board from 2011-2019. He was elected to the Board of the Federation of State Medical Boards from 2011-2018 and was Chair in 2016-2017. He served on the National Board of Medical Examiners Advisory Board from 2017-2021. The National Academy of Medicine “Action Collaborative” on Well-being and Resilience, serving as the representative for the FSMB. Presently, Dr. Hengerer is a board member of the Federation of State Physicians Health Programs. The accomplishment that he is most proud of is chairing the workgroup in 2018 that drafted the report on physician wellbeing at the FSMB. It outlines the guidelines for mental health questioning on state licensing applications and renewals to be limited to current impairment that is not being addressed. This is a big step toward allowing physicians to feel safe seeking care. These various activities have led to a strong commitment to addressing burnout and wellness in clinicians. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for support of our health care workers.
Read more about this candidate here: STATEMENT OF INTEREST