Partnering to Advance Physician Health Programs Be a Part of the FSPHP mission!
When you give to the Federation of State Physician Health Programs, you help strengthen the FSPHP Mission: To support physician health programs in improving the health of medical professionals, thereby contributing to quality patient care.
Where to Donate
or mail your donation to: FSPHP Donation, 668 Main St, Suite 8, #295, Wilmington, MA 01887
Your donations will ensure that FSPHP remains the trusted national voice for addressing issues that affect physician health and patient safety. Your contribution will allow FSPHP to continue the implementation of new initiatives, uphold an environment of subject matter experts, sharing and networking, and establishing best practices to assist PHPs in their quest to protect the public.
For almost three decades, the FSPHP has provided professional education, collaboration and advocacy to assist our member Physician Health Programs (PHPs) across the country. FSPHP strives to support physicians, and in some states other licensed healthcare professionals, who have a health condition that is affecting their ability to practice safely and effectively.
Giving Societies
Please consider joining one of our giving societies by sending in your gift by mail or online today!
Legacy of Wellness............................................... $25,000+ Leader of Healing.................................... $10,000 - $24,999 Partner in Health......................................... $5,000 - $9,999 Ally of Hope................................................. $2,500 - $4,999 Advocate..................................................... $1,000 - $2,499 Caregiver........................................................... $500 - $999 Friend.................................................................... $1 - $499
What Your Donation Supports
Your donation ensures that FSPHP continues to implement new initiatives, upholds an environment of fellowship and networking, establishes best practices and assists PHPs in their quest to protect the public. Your investment in FSPHP is essential now more than ever before!
- Performance Enhancement and Effectiveness Review (PEER™) and FSPHP-Evaluation and Treatment Accreditation (ETA™)
While we have several priorities this year, we are excited and thrilled to deploy Performance Enhancement and Effectiveness Review (PEER™) and Evaluation and Treatment Accreditation (ETA™) to the field. Many of you are familiar with PEER™, which was established to empower PHP’s and other health programs in safety-sensitive occupational roles. This new version of FSPHP’s guidelines is a practical tool for identifying opportunities to optimize performance and effectiveness in alignment with best practices. ETA™, on the other hand, offers accreditation for those who qualify as having the experience, resources and expertise to evaluate and treat health professionals in safety-sensitive roles.
- Develop Readiness Materials, PHP Tools, Sample Policy, Resources, and Education Services
Your support, no matter the size, will allow us to develop readiness materials and educational services to help PHP prepare for PEER™, as well as the ability to distribute metrics data and encourage sharing of an inventory of PHP tools, resources, and policies. The launch of these exciting programs demonstrates our continued commitment to accountability, consistency, and excellence among PHPs nationwide.
- Rising the Tides Raises all Boats
When you make a donation to FSPHP, you are also helping us support our member programs and their physicians, and in some states, other licensed healthcare professionals struggling with health conditions that may affect their ability to practice safely and effectively. Your investment in FSPHP is essential and your donation will support the implementation of PEER™ and ETA™, uphold an environment of subject matter experts with sharing and networking, and establish best practices to assist PHPs in their quest to protect the public.
Of utmost importance, your annual contribution ensures that FSPHP remains the trusted national voice for addressing issues that affect physician health and patient safety. Will you invest in FSPHP’s mission, by making a contribution today? You may donate online at
Stock / Securities Donations
Making a gift to The Federation of State Physician Health Programs, Inc. (FSPHP) through a transfer of stock is often very advantageous from a tax point of view, especially if you own appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds on which you will have to pay long term capital gains tax. By making a gift directly to FSPHP, you may avoid the capital gains tax on the appreciation of stock and will also realize an income tax deduction in the amount of the securities fair market value on the date of the gift.
A gift of publicly traded securities could be right for you if:
- You own publicly traded securities that you have owned for at least one year.
- Some of these securities have increased in value since you bought them.
- Some of these securities may provide you with little or no income.
- You would like to make a gift to The Federation of State Physician Health Programs, Inc.
- The process of making a gift of stock is simple. Please email Linda Bresnahan – for instructions.
Thank you so much for your donation!