State Programs

All FSPHP state member Physician Health Programs (PHPs) are listed below. A Physician Health Program (PHP) is a confidential resource for physicians, other licensed healthcare professionals, or those in training suffering from addictive, psychiatric, medical, behavioral or other potentially impairing conditions. PHPs coordinate effective detection, evaluation, treatment, and continuing care monitoring of physicians with these conditions. This coordination and documentation of a participant’s progress allows PHPs to provide documentation verifying a participant’s compliance with treatment and/or continuing care recommendations.

State member programs have a confidential diversionary role allowing for a therapeutic alternative to disciplinary action and have the support of organized medicine in its state in one of the following ways in order to qualify for membership:

  1. Come under the direct auspices of the State Medical Society/Association; or
  2. Be recognized/approved by the State Medical Society/Association (as a program of the Society/Association) in cases where the program is not under the direct auspices of the Society/Association; or
  3. Be directed by a policy-making board which is composed of a majority representation from the State Medical Society/Association; or
  4. Be administered by a state licensing or disciplinary agency that has a written agreement with the State Medical Society/Association which accepts this program.

Today, nearly every state has developed a PHP which operates within the parameters of state regulation and legislation.  PHPs provide important confidential peer to peer services to physicians (and in some states other health professionals) in need of support for their health and well-being.  PHP's have extensive expertise in education, outreach, and long-term monitoring of physicians who have recovered from mental health conditions and substance use disorders. Studies that review the long-term model of PHPs confirm physician recovery rates are markedly higher than the general population—even when extended into 5 years or more. One study reports that malpractice risk for those who complete a PHP is lower than for physicians practicing medicine who have never been followed by PHP monitoring. PHPs have restored the health and wellbeing of thousands of physicians for over three decades.  More articles featuring the PHP model, including FSPHP member testimonials and PHP participant stories, can be reviewed here: PHP Featured Articles. 

StateProgram NamePhoneEmail
Alabama Alabama Professionals Health Program (334) 954-2596 [email protected]
Alaska Physician Health Committee of Alaska  907-561-9644 [email protected]
Arizona Community Bridges, Inc. Professionals Medical Monitoring Program (480) 990-3111 [email protected]
[email protected]
Arizona Gateway Recovery Institute (480) 981-2405 [email protected]
Arkansas Arkansas Medical Foundation (501) 224-9911 [email protected]
[email protected]
Colorado Colorado Physician Health Program (800) 927-0122 or
(303) 860-0122
[email protected]
Connecticut HAVEN: Health Assistance interVention Education Network for Connecticut Health Professionals (860) 828-3175 [email protected]
Delaware Delaware Professionals' Health Monitoring Program (DPHMP) (855) 575-9350  [email protected]
District of Columbia Medical Society of the District of Columbia Physician Health Program (256) 673-2747 [email protected] 
Florida Professionals Resource Network (PRN) (800) 888-8776 [email protected]
Georgia Georgia Professional Health Program (678) 825-3764 ext 101 [email protected]
Hawaii Hawaii Program for Healthcare Professionals: Pu'ulu Lapa'au (808) 593-7444

[email protected],
[email protected]
[email protected]

Idaho Physician Recovery Network (208) 323-9555 [email protected]
Illinois Illinois Professionals Health Program (800) 215-HELP (4357) [email protected]
Indiana Indiana State Medical Association Physician Assistance Program (317) 454-7725  
[email protected]
Iowa Iowa Physician Health Program (515) 281-6006 [email protected]
Kansas Kansas Medical Society - Professionals' Health Program (785) 231-1306 [email protected]
Kentucky Kentucky Physicians Health Foundation (502) 425-7761 [email protected]
Louisiana Healthcare Professionals’ Foundation of Louisiana (225) 291-5000 [email protected]
Maine Maine Medical Professionals Health Program (207) 623-9266 [email protected]
Maryland Maryland Physician Health Program (410) 962-5580  [email protected]
Massachusetts Massachusetts Physician Health Services, Inc. (800) 322-2302, ext. 7404 [email protected]
Michigan Michigan Health Professional Recovery Program (800) 453-3784 [email protected]
Minnesota Minnesota Health Professionals Services Program (651) 642-0487 [email protected]
Mississippi Mississippi Physician Health Program (601) 420-0240  [email protected]
Missouri STL-Professionals Health Program  (314) 958-7124 or (314) 753-0075
Missouri University of Missouri Physician and Health Professionals Wellness Program (573) 632-5562 [email protected]
Montana Maximus Montana Recovery Program (833) 397-7500

[email protected]

Nevada Nevada Professionals Health Program (702) 562-1230 [email protected]
New Hampshire New Hampshire Professionals Health Program (603) 491-5036 [email protected]
New Jersey Professional Assistance Program of New Jersey, Inc. (609) 919-1660 [email protected]
New Mexico The New Mexico Health Professional Wellness Program (505) 271-0800 [email protected]
New York Committee for Physician Health - New York
(518) 436-4723  [email protected]
North Carolina  North Carolina Professionals Health Program (919) 870-4480  [email protected]
North Dakota North Dakota Professional Health Program (701) 751-5090  [email protected]
Ohio Ohio Professionals Health Program (614) 841-9690 [email protected]
Oklahoma Oklahoma Health Professionals Program (405) 601-2536 [email protected]
Oregon Oregon's Health Professionals' Services Program (888) 802-2843 [email protected]
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Physicians' Health Program (717) 558-7819 [email protected]
Rhode Island Rhode Island Medical Society's Physician Health Program (401) 443-2383 [email protected]
South Carolina South Carolina Recovering Professional Program (803) 896-5700 [email protected]
South Dakota SD Physician Well-Being Program (605) 275-4711 [email protected]
[email protected]
Tennessee Tennessee Medical Foundation Physician's Health Program (615) 467-6411 [email protected]
Texas Texas Physician Health Program (512) 305-7462 [email protected]
Utah Utah Professionals Health Program (801) 520-6291 [email protected]
Vermont Vermont Practitioner Health Program (802) 223-0400 [email protected]
Virginia Virginia Health Practitioners' Monitoring Program (866) 206-4747 / (804) 828-1551 [email protected]
Washington Washington Physicians Health Program 1 (800) 552-7236 [email protected]
West Virginia West Virginia Medical Professionals Health Program, Inc. (WVMPHP) (304) 933-1030 [email protected]
Wyoming Wyoming Professional Assistance Program (307) 472-1222 [email protected]