FSPHP Guidelines, Policies, and Position StatementsFSPHP Performance Enhancement and Effectiveness Review™ (PEER™) Program Criteria and MetricsThe FSPHP PEER™ Criteria and Metrics process were developed to empower PHPs and other health programs for workers in safety-sensitive occupational roles to use the new version of the FSPHP Guidelines as a practical tool for identifying opportunities to optimize performance and effectiveness in alignment with best practices. These were developed over the past 4 years to align with the 2019 FSPHP Guidelines with subject matter experts from Physician Health Programs, and with objective oversight by the Accreditation Review Council which includes representatives from the American Medical Association, Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education, the Federation of State Medical Boards, the American College of Physicians, the American Osteopathic Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Board of Medical Specialties and the Medical Professional Liability Association.
FSPHP Evaluation and Treatment Accreditation™ (FSPHP-ETA™) Standards for Accreditation 2.0The FSPHP Evaluation and Treatment Accreditation™ (FSPHP-ETA™) Standards for Accreditation 2.0 of Evaluation and Treatment Services for Healthcare Workers in Safety-Sensitive Occupational Roles were developed to recognize evaluation and treatment services that are qualified to specialize in the care of medical students, residents, career physicians, and other safety-sensitive professionals, through a valid, reliable, and rational assessment process that demonstrates compliance with objective standards. These were developed over the past 4 years to align with the 2019 FSPHP Guidelines with subject matter experts from Physician Health Programs, and Treatment Programs from around the US, and with objective oversight by the Accreditation Review Council which includes representatives from the American Medical Association, Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education, the Federation of State Medical Boards, the American College of Physicians, the American Osteopathic Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Board of Medical Specialties and the Medical Professional Liability Association.
FSPHP GuidelinesFSPHP Research Guidelines for Investigators1/18/21 2019 FSPHP Physician Health Program Guidelines4/16/19
FSPHP PoliciesFSPHP Other PolicyFSPHP Code of Ethical ConductWed, 01/13/2021
This is an FSPHP policy on the Code of Ethical Conduct, adopted in 2000, amended in 2012 and updated in 2021.
FSPHP Public Policy
FSPHP Public Policy Statement: Physician Illness, Disability, and Impairment: Differentiation and ResponsibilityJuly 19, 2022
FSPHP’s Public Policy Statement “Physician Illness, Disability, and Impairment: Differentiation and Responsibility"
FSPHP Position StatementsFSPHP Task Force to Support Safe Haven Position Statement Enhancing Confidential Care for Physicians and Healthcare Professionals through FSPHP State Physician Health Programs (PHPs)September 2024 The FSPHP Task Force to Support Safe Haven recognized the need to define safe haven terminology and establish standards for physician and healthcare professional programs to clearly understand its concept. The purpose of the position statement is to create a safe mechanism for physicians and healthcare professionals to seek help while safeguarding the privacy of their protected health information. The action plan aims to address known confidentiality barriers that may prevent healthcare professionals from seeking necessary support, early intervention, or treatment from their state physician health programs when facing well-being challenges. The following Triad of Confidentiality serves as the foundation that developed the proposed legislative and regulatory changes outlined in the action plan:
FSPHP Safety Considerations for Medication Treatment for Monitored Health ProfessionalsAugust 2022