Newsletter Advertisement in Physician Health NewsRESERVE YOUR AD SPACE NOW!We would to encourage you to advertise your services in the Federation of State Physician Health Program's newsletter, Physician Health News. This newsletter is sent to all state programs, state licensing boards and available on the FSPHP website. Our newsletter will provide excellent exposure to those interested in physician health, and we hope to have an all-inclusive section of advertisements that can serve as a resource to health care professionals. As always, Physician Health News will include updates from state physician health programs, articles, and notices of interest to the physician health community. The newsletter also includes planning information about upcoming physician health meetings and conferences including FSPHP meetings. We hope you will consider taking advantage of this opportunity to advertise your facility, services, and contact information in Physician Health News. Become part of a great resource for state physician health program professionals today. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FALL 2024 ISSUE We look forward to working with you to make this the best edition of our newsletter yet. Ad Due Dates
Specifications Ad Sizes & Cost per Advertisement: $800 - Half page: 7” w x 4.5” h
$600 - Quarter page: 3.2917” w x 4.5” h $400 - Business card size: 3.125” w x 2.25” h $150 - Design and proofreading services per ad
Guidelines for PDF Ads: Color ads
File Guidelines