FSPHP Insights

March 28, 2024


Dr. Michael Baron FSPHP President Elect & Medical Director of TN PHP


Dr. Scott Hambleton
FSPHP President & Chair of the Mississippi Physician Health Committee

FSPHP Attendees are Invited to the FSMB/FSPHP Joint Session at Renaissance Hotel: Working in Harmony to Ensure a Healthy Workforce

FSPHP 2024 Education Conference Attendees are invited to the FSPHP / FSMB joint session, Working in Harmony to Ensure a Healthy Workforce, on Saturday, April 20th at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel at 9:00am – 10:15am. 
In this session, representatives from both organizations will highlight the role of PHPs and the relationship with state medical boards in supporting physician health and ensuring patient safety. Panelists will illustrate key points of interaction between PHPs and state medical boards by leading the audience on the journey of a physician, from early intervention to post-treatment monitoring.

Speakers:  Dr. Michael Baron, Dr. Scott Hambleton, Dr. Jeffrey Carter, Stephanie Loucka, JD, and Dr. Michelle Owens

See conference agenda.  
Register for the FSPHP 2024 Annual Education Conference

Dr. Jeffrey D. Carter
Chair, Missouri Medical Board Missouri Medical Board

Stephanie Loucka, JD
Executive Director State Medical Board of Ohio

Dr. Michelle Y. Owens
Professor, Dept of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Mississippi Medical Board


Dr. Burns M. Brady, former Medical Director of the Kentucky PHP and esteemed member of FSPHP, will be deeply missed.

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of a legend from FSPHP history - Dr. Burns M. Brady.  Dr. Brady, a former Medical Director of the Kentucky PHP and esteemed member of FSPHP, passed away on Wednesday, March 13th at his home in Louisville Kentucky.  He was 87 years old.

Read Dr. Brady's obituary written by Dr. Greg Jones.


Make a Difference
Donate to the Silent Auction by 4.1.24!

Please consider donating an item to the FSPHP 2024 Silent Auction taking place in Nashville during the FSPHP 2024 Annual Education Conference.

Your generous donation is crucial for the success of this event. All proceeds benefit FSPHP’s mission to support physician health programs in improving the health of medical professionals, thereby contributing to quality patient care.

If you would like to contribute, please email [email protected].

  • Donation submissions due by Monday, April 1st.
  • Bidding will begin on Wednesday, April 17th.
  • Winners will be announced at lunch on Friday, April 19th.

Visit the FSPHP 2024 Silent Auction webpage for more info  and to see a list of suggested donation items.



Join an FSPHP Committee - New Participants Welcome!

Join an FSPHP Committee or Task Force and support a cause you care about while enhancing your skills and gaining valuable experience.  Being part of a committee is an excellent steppingstone towards a future leadership role on the board of directors.  See the full list of FSPHP Committees.

See FSPHP Committees & Rosters
Submit Your Interest to Join


Dr. Michael Baron, FSPHP President Elect & Medical Director of TN PHP, presenting at Florida Professional Recovery Network on “Current Trends in Safety Sensitive Monitoring and Programming from the Federation of State Physician Health Programs”.

A Snapshot of FSPHP on the Road - Spreading Awareness of Physician & Professional Health Programs

Dr Bundy and Dr Hengerer sharing PHP strategies at the American Dental Association’s Health & Well-Being Summit last fall.

Pictured: Dr. Chris Bundy, WPHP & Past President of FSPHP, Dr. Art Hengerer, Former Chair of the Board, FSMB, Board Member, FSPHP, Daniel Blaney-Koen, JD, AMA, Kathryn Spates, JD, ACNP-BC, The Joint Commission, & Mark Staz, MA, FSMB

American Conference on Physician Health - October 2023

Chris Bundy, MD, MPH, Executive Medical Director of the Washington Physicians Health Program (WPHP), and Carrie Cunningham, MD, MPH, Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School and Surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital, discuss the state of physician health programs at the American Conference on Physician Health.

Click here to watch the video.


Physician Health Program attendees at the American Conference on Physician Health 2023 in Palm Springs - Edwin Kim, MD, Pennsylvania PHP; Joyce Davidson, LCSW, Colorado PHP; Sarah Early, PsyD, Colorado PHP; Chris Bundy, MD, MPH, FASAM, Washington PHP;  Karen A. Miotto, MD, UCLA; Linda Bresnahan, MS, FSPHP; Lisa Merlo, PhD, MPE, Professionals Resource Network (Florida); Phuong Huynh, MD, Ohio PHP. 





Representing the Colorado Physician Health Program at ACPH 2023 are Sarah Early, PsyD, Joyce Davidson, LCSW, and Lise Barbour, MD.








Reconnecting at ACPH 2023 - Corey Feist, JD, MBA, Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes' Foundation; Sarah Early, PsyD, CPHP; Linda Bresnahan, MS, FSPHP Executive Director; and Edwin Kim, MD, Pennsylvania Physician Health Program! 




The Nomination Committee, chaired by Chris Bundy, MD, MPH, FASAM, will unseal and count the 2024 - 2026 Board of Directors ballots in early May and announce election results at the virtual Annual Member Business Meeting on May 8, 2024. 


All the Physician Health Program attendees to the American Conference on Physician Health 2023 in Palm Springs! Edwin KimJoyce Davidson, LCSWSarah Riecke Early, PsyDChris BundyKaren A. Miotto, MDLinda BresnahanPhuong Huynh. Such a strong group of PHP leaders!

Coming Up! 

Membership Committee Meeting
April 1 at 1:00pm - 2pm EDT 

Board & Committee Chair Meeting
April 3 at 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT 

Program Planning Committee Meeting
April 3 at 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT 

Finance Committee Meeting
April 4 at 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT 

New Member Meeting
April 10 at 11:ooam - 12:30pm EDT 

Annual Member Business Meeting
May 8 at 2:oopm - 4:00pm EDT
(Open to State Voting, Associate, International & Honorary members) 

Visit the FSPHP Calendar for a full list of upcoming meetings and events!

Federation of State Physician Health Programs

668 Main Street, Suite 8, #295

Wilmington, MA 01887

Phone: 978-347-0600 Fax: 978-347-0603


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Best way to contact us is by email:

[email protected] Linda Bresnahan, MS, FSPHP Executive Director

 [email protected] Tanya Roof, CMP, FSPHP Meeting and Event Planning

[email protected] Sandra Savage, Membership Services Manager