FSPHP Insights 

July 9, 2024

Message of 'Thanks' from Medical Society of the State of New York 

June 27, 2024 Message to the FSPHP-ALL-MEMBERS E-List

The 2024 legislative session in New York has drawn to a close with a huge win for the NY PHP.  The NY PHP is known as the Committee for Physician Health and operates as a division of the Medical Society of the State of New York.

Facing a $4 billion budget deficit, the Governor’s staff had proposed that the legislature defund and deactivate hundreds of programs.  The NY PHP happened to be on that long list.  Overlooked in the Governor’s proposal was that the PHP is funded not by the state but from physician licensure fees and private contributions.

We are grateful for the outpouring of support letters and emails from dozens of programs and professional associations across the country.  Most PHPs offered letters of support as well as the AMA, FSMB Board members, ACGME and ACCME and all major health systems within the state.

Your letter messages were clear:  public health and physician wellness is best promoted by physician access to confidential and non-disciplinary assistance for substance use and other psychiatric disorders.

The legislative session ended with full restoration of NY PHP funding – and with most legislators pondering how this had ever become an issue in the first place.  As with any statewide legislative issue, there were multiple factors involved.  But at the end of the day (the final decision was made at 11:30 pm on a Saturday night), no legislators supported the Governor’s staff defunding proposal.

Despite the unwanted attention (or maybe because of it) the NY PHP is seeing an increase in referrals and presentation requests over the past few months.

Many thanks to the entire FSPHP membership and staff for your most effective support!

Terrance M. Bedient, FACHE
Director, Committee for Physician Health
Vice President, Medical Society of the State of New York

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Thursday, September 5, 2024